Stochastic modelling and analysis : a computational approach


Stochastic modelling and analysis : a computational approach

Henk C. Tijms

(Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics, . Applied probability and statistics)

Wiley, c1986

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 51



Includes bibliographies and indexes



The main concern of this text is the application of stochastic models to practical situations involving uncertainty and dynamism. A unique feature is the integrated treatment of models and computational methods for stochastic design and stochastic optimization problems. The book uses realistic examples to explore a wide variety of applications, such as inventory and production control, reliability, maintenance, queueing computer and communication systems. Exercises and suggestions for further reading are provided at the end of each chapter. The book was written with advanced students in mind, however, as it contains a wealth of material not found in other texts, it will also be of considerable interest to practitioners and researchers in operations research, statistics, computer science and engineering.

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