Contributions to operations research : proceedings of the Conference on Operations Research held in Oberwolfach, West Germany, February 26-March 3, 1984


Contributions to operations research : proceedings of the Conference on Operations Research held in Oberwolfach, West Germany, February 26-March 3, 1984

edited by K. Neumann and D. Pallaschke

(Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, 240)

Springer-Verlag, c1985

  • : U.S.
  • : G.W.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 58




On Using the Linear Programming Relaxation of Assignment Type Mixed Integer Problems.- Contributions to Duality Theory of Certain Non-Convex Optimization Problems.- Multistate Reliability Problems for GSP-Digraphs.- Improved Bounds for the Sn /n Problem.- Selection of Solutions by Algorithms.- to Stochastic Scheduling Problems.- Aspects of Optimization in Automobile Insurance.- GERT Networks with Tree Structure: Properties, Temporal Analysis, Cost Minimization and Scheduling.- On Stability of Linear Time-Varying Infinite Dimensional Systems.- Optimal Stopping and Leavable Gambling Models with the Average Return Criterion.- A Closed Network Model. for I/O Subsystems.

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