Revolutionary politics & Locke's Two treatises of government


Revolutionary politics & Locke's Two treatises of government

Richard Ashcraft

Princeton University Press, c1986

  • : cloth
  • : pbk


Revolutionary politics and Locke's Two treatises of government

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 60



Includes bibliographical references and index



: pbk ISBN 9780691022482


This is a comprehensive and detailed account of the economic history of Puerto Rico from the period of Spanish colonial domination to the present. Interweaving findings of the "new" Puerto Rican historiography with those of earlier historical studies, and using the most recent theoretical concepts to interpret them, James Dietz examines the complex manner in which productive and class relations within Puerto Rico have interacted with changes in its place in the world economy. Besides including aggregate data on Puerto Rico's economy, the author offers valuable information on workers' living conditions and women workers, plus new interpretations of development since Operation Bootstrap. His evaluation of the island's export-oriented economy has implications for many other developing countries.

: cloth ISBN 9780691077031


Richard Ashcraft offers a new interpretation of the political thought of John Locke by viewing his ideas, especially those in the Two Treatises of Government, in the context of his political activity. Linking the implications of Locke's political theory with his practical politics, Professor Ashcraft focuses on Locke's involvement with the radical Whigs, who challenged the established order in England from the 1670s to the 1690s. An equally important aim of the author is to provide a case study of a revolutionary movement that includes a discussion of its organization, ideology, socio-economic composition, and political activities. Based upon a detailed examination of manuscripts, diaries, correspondence, and newspapers, Professor Ashcraft presents a wealth of new historical evidence on the political life of Restoration England. This study represents an example of an approach to political theory that stresses the importance of authorial intentions and of the political, social, and economic influences that structure a particular political debate.

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