The Palazzo da Porto Festa in Vicenza


The Palazzo da Porto Festa in Vicenza

Erik Forssman ; [translated by Catherine Enggass]

(Corpus Palladianum, v. 8)

Pennsylvania State University Press, c1973

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Translation of Il Palazzo da Porto Festa in Vicenza

Bibliography: p. [69]-70

Includes index



The Palazzo da Porto Festa, which exists today as a fragment of a larger and more imposing plan, was designed by Palladio as an urban residence to introduce into Venetian architecture a new synthesis of contemporary Roman style, ancient classical tradition, and Venetian building customs. The result, which shows Palladio's fully matured style and imaginative fantasy, carries the imprint of his Roman archaeological studies and his knowledge of the style of Bramante. Vasari said of the palazzo that he did not think there could be a building "either more magnificent or more beautiful, or more worth of any great prince." Included in this volume are reproductions of the surviving interior decorations from the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries: stuccos by Ridolfi, paintings by Brusasorzi, and frescoes by Giambattista and Giandomenico Tiepolo.

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