Fifty years of neutron diffraction : the advent of neutron scattering


Fifty years of neutron diffraction : the advent of neutron scattering

edited by G.E. Bacon

Adam Hilger, [1986]

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 18



Includes bibliography and index

"Published with the assistance of the International Union of Crystallography."



This book aims to trace the history of neutron scattering from its pioneer days, to give an outline of the achievements in its main fields of application - notably magnetism, chemistry, lattice dynamics and biology - and some account of its present status. Articles are contributed by pioneers who have worked in the subject for more than 40 years. With stories and reminiscences of the early days in fifteen different countries, the book captures something of the flavour and opportunities of neutron scattering and shows the changes in the way of life of neutron experimenters over the past fifty years.


  • Introduction - the pattern of 50 years (Bacon). The first diffraction experiments - the three papers of 1936. Looking back - early days and memories: Early neutron diffraction technology (Shull). I remember Brookhaven (Weiss). Early work at Argonne (Mueller and Ringo). A childhood of slow neutron spectroscopy (Brockhouse). Neutrons re-cross the Atlantic - Reminiscences (Bacon) - The early days of Harwell (Egelstaff). Recollections of a research student 1948-51 (Squires). Worldwide spread of neutron scattering - a miscellany of stories: Neutrons in the Netherlands and Scandinavia (Andresen and Goedkoop). The first experiments in France (Jacrot and Cribier). The history of neutron scattering in West Germany (Dachs). 'Start-up' in Italy (Caglioti). A dialogue from the Soviet Union (Ozerov and Rumyantsev). The early years of neutron diffraction work in India (Iyengar). The beginnings of neutron diffraction in Poland -personal reminiscences (Leciejewicz). Neutron diffraction in Australia (Sabine). Neutron scattering in China (Yang). Progress in Japan (Hoshino). The changing scene - the appearance of the high-flux reactor: High flux at Brookhaven (Passell). High flux at Oak Ridge (Cable). International science: The birth of the Institut Max von Laue-Paul Langevin in Grenoble (Maier-Leibnitz). Twenty years (or so) at the ILL - a view from the secretariat (Briggs). I began as a scientific assistant - Harwell to Grenoble via Lucas Heights (Wheeler). Some statistics from the Neutron Diffraction Commission (Willis). Some crucial applications: Neutrons and magnetism - a brief history (Koehler). Neutrons and chemistry (Fuess). Neutrons and lattice dynamics (Powell and Woods). Neutrons and biology (Jacrot). Changing techniques: The time-of-flight diffraction method (Buras). From BF3 counter to PSD
  • an impressive and continuous increase of the data acquisition route (Convert and Chieux). Neutron spin echo spectroscopy (Mezei). Neutron optics (Rauch). Neutron diffraction topography (Baruchel and Schlenker). Some views of the future - reactor and accelerator: The future with accelerator-based sources (Lander). ISIS: the UK pulsed spallation neutron source (Stirling). A US proposal for the 1990s (Moon). Neutron scattering in the future - a personal view (Enderby). Bibliography. Index.

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