Organizational psychology


Organizational psychology

Edgar H. Schein

(Foundations of modern psychology series)

Prentice-Hall, c1980

3d ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 26



Bibliography: p. 253-265

Includes index



Written by an authority on organizational psychology, this interdisciplinary text can be used as a supplement in organizationsl behavior courses in departments of psychology and business.


I. THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE ORGANIZATION: THE FIELD OF ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. 1. The Field of Organizational Psychology. 2. Human Problems in Organizations. II. MOTIVATION AND ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT HUMAN NATURE. 3. Human Nature: Why Is It Elusive? 4. Managerial Assumptions About Human Nature. 5. A Developmental and Situational View of Motivation. 6. The Complexity of Human Nature. III. LEADERSHIP AND PARTICIPATION. 7. Why Is It Difficult to Analyze Leadership? 8. Theories of Leadership and Participation. IV. GROUPS IN ORGANIZATIONS. 9. The Structure and Functions of Groups. 10. Intergroup Problems in Organizations. V. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS. 11. The Organization as a Complex, Open System. 12. The Organization as a Dynamic, Developing System. 13. Increasing Organizational Effectiveness.

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