The bureaucracy of Han times


The bureaucracy of Han times

Hans Bielenstein

(Cambridge studies in Chinese history, literature and institutions)

Cambridge University Press, 1980

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 21



Bibliography: p. 231-235

Includes index



This is a comprehensive and fully documented study of Chinese bureaucracy during the Han period, when many of the basic lines of Chinese government practice were laid down. It is also more detailed and wider in scope than similar works on other periods of Chinese history. The book covers the time from 202 BC to AD 9 and from AD 25 to 189, analysing and describing the central and local administrations, the army, official salaries, civil service recruitment and power in government. Professor Bielenstein translates all Chinese official titles and includes alphabetical lists of these titles with their English and Chinese equivalents. Thus his book will serve both as a description for the names of offices at every level of government. The book will be of interest to all scholars of Chinese history, as well as to experts in other fields of institutional history, government and political science.


  • Preface
  • 1. The Sources
  • 2. The Central Administration
  • 3. The Local Administration
  • 4. The Army
  • 5. The Salaries of the Officials
  • 6. Civil Service Recruitment
  • 8. Conclusion
  • Notes
  • Appendix
  • Quoted Literature
  • Index
  • Tables.

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