Remote sensing in soil science


Remote sensing in soil science

M.A. Mulders

(Developments in soil science, 15)

Elsevier Science Publishers, 1987

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Includes bibliographies and index



This book provides comprehensive coverage of remote sensing techniques and their application in soil science. A clear, step-by-step approach to the various aspects ensures that the reader will gain a good grasp of the subject so that he can apply the techniques to his own field of study.The book opens with a thorough introduction to the physical aspects of electromagnetic radiation and the technical aspects of remote sensing and image processing. This is followed by a discussion of the methods for interpreting remote sensing data, and their application to soils, vegetation, and land as a whole.As the interpretation of soil conditions is based on many aspects (i.e. soil surface, vegetation, land use, land form), the scope of the book is correspondingly broad. It will therefore provide much useful information for students and scientists in soil science, geography, geology, hydrology, ecology, agriculture and civil engineering.


1. Introduction. 2. Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation with Matter. 3. Data on Interaction of Short Wave Radiation with Natural Objects. 4. Detection of Electromagnetic Radiation. 5. Processing of Remote Sensing Data and Automated Classification. 6. Image Characteristics. 7. Aerial Photography. 8. General Directions for Physiographic Interpretation of Remote Sensing Imagery in Soil Mapping. 9. Interpretation of Air Photos for Soil Mapping and Land Evaluation. 10. Airborne Line-Scanning in the 0.3 - 8 m Zone. 11. Remote Sensing from Space in the 0.3 - 3 m Zone. 12. Thermal Infrared Line-Scanning and Radiometry in the Infrared and Micro-Wave Zones. 13. Active Sensor Systems. 14. Implications of Remote Sensing. Index.

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