Social integration and narrative structure : patterns of realism in Auerbach, Freytag, Fontane, and Raabe


Social integration and narrative structure : patterns of realism in Auerbach, Freytag, Fontane, and Raabe

Nancy A. Kaiser

(New York University Ottendorfer series, n. F., Bd. 23)

Lang, c1986

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Bibliography: p. 211-229



Defining realism as a category of literary communication, this study delineates three distinct patterns of reader experience within 19th-century German Realism. In considering the interaction of text and reader as constructing the world which a realistic novel is often said to reflect or describe, the author coordinates an analysis of the social systems constituted within the texts with a consideration of the narrative structure. The first pattern connects village tales by Auerbach with Freytag's Soll und Haben. A second pattern of reader experience, demonstrated in three novels by Fontane, exposes and manipulates the mechanisms of social integration. The final pattern, two works from Raabe's Braunschweig Trilogy, undermines the middle-class reality it evokes.


Contents: Readers, Realities, and Narrative Structure - Reading as Reaffirmation: Auerbach and Freytag - Social Convention and Narrative Refraction: Fontane - Narration as Disorientation: Raabe.

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