Coastal and estuarine sediment dynamics


Coastal and estuarine sediment dynamics

Keith R. Dyer

Wiley, c1986

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 21



"A Wiley-Interscience publication."

Bibliography: p. 316-337

Includes index



The movement of mud, sand and gravel on the continental shelf, in the nearshore zone, on beaches and in estuaries can be significant in economic and environmental terms. From ease of navigation, to liability to flooding, from sewage and waste disposal to fish populations changes in the deposition and erosion of sedimentary material can have an effect on man's activities in the shoreline zone. Coastal and Estuarine Sediment Dynamics discusses such movements using the different viewpoints of the marine geologists, the oceanographer and the engineer, and integrates them into an essentially multidisciplinary treatment. Quantified descriptions of the physical processes causing sedimentary movement and response are emphasised in the context of natural systems. Among the features included in this book are: Establishment of physical concepts governing sediment movement in the sea with the minimum of mathematics; Essential background material and up-to- date research results; Information on the measurement and prediction of sea transportation of sediment; Detailed physical processes within regional sediment circulation patterns.

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