Educational research : principles, policies, and practices


Educational research : principles, policies, and practices

edited by Marten Shipman

(Contemporary analysis in education series, 8)

Falmer Press, 1985

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Includes bibliographies and indexes



First Published in 1985. The book is a series of articles on the organisation of educational research and its impact on policies and practices. Contributions are from leading educational researchers and from those who use the evidence produced in administration and schools. Throughout the book the emphasis is on the way organisational and methodological changes within educational research have produced stresses within the academic community and between it and the consumers of their work. In particular, the contributions are concerned with the attempts by researchers to use interpretive approaches to secure more validity in evidence while the audiences for research retain more traditional views of the methods used.


General Editor's Preface Editor's Introduction 1 Educational Research: Principles and Policies 2 Educational Research: Policies and Practices

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