People and computers : designing for usability : proceedings of the Second Conference of the British Computer Society, Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group, University of York, 23-26 September 1986


People and computers : designing for usability : proceedings of the Second Conference of the British Computer Society, Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group, University of York, 23-26 September 1986

edited by M.D. Harrison, A.F. Monk

(The British Computer Society Workshop series)

Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the British Computer Society, 1986

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Bibliography: p. [615]-644

Includes index



This book presents the proceedings of HCI 86, the major European event for the discussion of work on Human-Computer Interaction in 1986. The conference was held at the University of York on 23-26 September 1986. The proceedings contain presentations from leading researchers and developers from a wide variety of backgrounds (social and cognitive psychology, ergonomics, software engineering and theoretical computer science). The topics covered include tools and techniques for developing user interfaces; formal methods of human-computer interaction; empirical evaluation of interfaces; matching system function to user tasks; and applications, including expert systems, graphics and special purpose systems for the handicapped. This volume provides an important contribution to the science and engineering of human-computer interaction and will be of interest to all who are concerned with the design and evaluation of interactive systems.

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