
Crises in the Caribbean basin

edited by Richard Tardanico

(Political economy of the world-system annuals, v. 9)

Sage Publications, c1987

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 23



"Based on papers presented at the ninth annual Conference on the Political Economy of the World-System, Tulane University, March 18-20, 1985"--Pref



Conflicts in countries such as Nicaragua, El Salvador and Haiti represent challenges to the wealth and power of local oligarchies, to the global hegemony of the US and to the capitalist system. The contributors to this volume shed light on the national and international causes, dimensions and consequences of such challenges. They analyse the interaction between economic transformations, social struggles and political conflicts in the Caribbean Basin with the world-scale dynamics of capitalism.


Introduction - Richard Tardanico Issues in the Study of Caribbean Crises PART ONE: LABOR, ECONOMY, AND CRISIS White Days, Black Days - Dale W Tomich The Working Day and the Crisis of Slavery in the French Caribbean Labor and Ethnicity - Sidney W Mintz The Caribbean Conjuncture Economic Development and Dependency in Nineteenth-Century Guatemala - Ralph Lee Woodward, Jr Employment Crises and Economic Development in the Caribbean - David Bray Jamaica and the Dominican Republic The Informal Sector Revisited - Cynthia Truelove The Case of the Talleres Rurales Mini-Maquilas in Colombia PART TWO: STATE, ECONOMY, AND CRISIS State Responses to the Great Depression, 1929-1934 - Richard Tardanico `Revolutionary' Mexico and `Non-Revolutionary' Colombia Coffee and Politics in Central America - Jeffrey M Paige Sandanista Relations with the West - Robert P Matthews The Limits of Nonalighment Restratification After Revolution - Susan Eckstein The Cuban Experience The International Monetary Fund and Crisis in the Dominican Republic - Martin F Murphy

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