Expert systems in law : a jurisprudential inquiry


Expert systems in law : a jurisprudential inquiry

Richard E. Susskind

Clarendon Press, 1987

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 18



Bibliography: p. 271-292

Includes index



This book is a comprehensive investigation into expert systems in law. These are computer systems that engage in legal reasoning by assisting general legal practitioners in solving legal problems beyond the range of their knowledge or expertise. Jurisprudence is used throughout the book to articulate the presuppositions and limitations of building such systems, and to provide sound practical guidance for their design.


Introduction Part One - preliminary considerations concerning expert systems in law 1. computer applications to the law 2. prolegomenon to building expert systems in law Part Two - legal knowledge representation 3. entities to be represented in a legal knowledge base 4. analytical jurisprudence and legal knowledge representation Part Three - legal knowledge utilization 5. formal logic and deductive legal inference engines 6. towards a computational theory of legal reasoning Conclusion. Appendices.

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