Integral geometry and geometric probability


Integral geometry and geometric probability

Luis A. Santaló ; with a foreword by Mark Kac

(Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications / edited by G.-C. Rota, v. 1 . Section, Probability)

Cambridge University Press, 1984

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Imprint and ISBN from label on t.p. verso. Imprint on t.p.: Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program, 1976

Publication taken over by Cambridge University Press in 1984 with a new copyright date

Bibliography: p. 363-394

Includes indexes



Integral geometry originated with problems on geometrical probability and convex bodies. Its later developments, however, have proved to be useful in several fields ranging from pure mathematics (measure theory, continuous groups) to technical and applied disciplines (pattern recognition, stereology). This book is a systematic exposition of the theory and a compilation of the main results in the field. The volume can be used for a one-semester undergraduate course in probability and differential geometry or as a complement to classical courses on differential geometry, Lie groups, or probability.

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