Applications of NMR spectroscopy to problems in stereochemistry and conformational analysis


Applications of NMR spectroscopy to problems in stereochemistry and conformational analysis

edited by Yoshito Takeuchi and Alan P. Marchand

(Methods in stereochemical analysis, v. 6)

VCH Publishers , VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, c1986

  • : us
  • : gw

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 18



Includes bibliographies and indexes



Six review articles by leading researchers highlight recent developments in NMR spectroscopy that hold significant promise for future applications to structural and stereochemical problems. The contributions from diverse segments of the chemical community seek to maintain current awareness of developments in this burgeoning interdisciplinary field.


  • Guest-Host Chemistry and Conformational Analysis
  • NMR Studies in Liquid Crystals: Determination of Solute Molecular Geometry
  • C-13 Nuclear Spin Relaxation Study as an Aid to Analysis of Chain Dynamics and Conformation of Macromolecules
  • Stereochemical Studies in the Solid State
  • Two-Dimensional NMR Techniques to Determine Molecular Skeleton and Partial Structures of Organic Substances
  • Conformation Analysis of Peptides By Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy.

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