Women in educational administration


Women in educational administration

Charol Shakeshaft

Sage Publications, c1987

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographies and index



The literature on school administration has ignored women and focused on male administrators. Shakeshaft argues that women's experiences should be integrated into administrative theory and training. The existing research on women in educational administration is synthesized in this book. It exposes the need to reconceptualise administrative theory to include both women and men. It also suggests that schools might benefit if administrators used strategies and practices traditionally associated with women.


Introduction PART ONE: WHERE ARE THE WOMEN MANAGERS? Women School Administrators Too Few for Too Long Profiles and Career Paths of Women in Administration PART TWO: GETTING WOMEN INTO ADMINISTRATION Barriers to Women's Advancement into School Administration Demolishing the Barriers PART THREE: FEMALE CULTURE AND EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION Androcentric Bias in Educational Administration Theory and Research Differences Between the Ways Women and Men Manage Schools The Female World of School Administration Appendix Strategies for Increasing Women's Access to Administrative Positions

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