
Heat transfer of finned tube bundles in crossflow

J. Stasiulevičius, A. Skrinska ; edited by A. Žukauskas ; English-language editor, G.F. Hewitt

(Experimental and applied heat transfer guide books)

Hemisphere Pub. Co., c1988

  • est.


Teplootdacha poperechno obtekaemykh puchkov rebristykh trub

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Translation of: Teplootdacha poperechno obtekaemykh puchkov rebristykh trub

Bibliography: p. 215-219

Includes index



This volume provides correlations of heat transfer and hydraulic data for bundles of finned tubes in crossflow at high Reynolds numbers. Correlation graphs and equations, suitable for practical design of heat exchangers, are recommended. Results of studies of the effectiveness of the fin, local and mean heat transfer coefficients are presented. The effect of geometeric parameters of the fins and of the location of tubes in the bundle on heat transfer and hydraulic drag are described. The resistance of the finned tube bundles under study and other factors are examined. This book is intended for heat transfer specialists and design engineers in the fields of heat exchanger testing and design in the nuclear, power, and chemical process industries.

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