The evolution of the soul


The evolution of the soul

Richard Swinburne

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, 1986

  • pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references and index



pbk. ISBN 9780198244837


"The Evolution of the Soul" is based on the author's 1982-84 Gifford Lectures at the University of Aberdeen, in which he expounded his argument that men have evolved from animals, and animals from inanimate matter, but what has evolved is qualitatively different from the inanimate matter from which it began. Both men and the higher animals have a mental life of sensation, thought, purpose, desire and belief. Although these mental states in part cause, and are caused by, brain states, they are distinct from them. We can only make sense of this interaction by supposing that mental states are states of a soul, a mental substance in interaction with the body. Although both have a rich mental life, human souls, unlike animal souls, are capable of logical thought, have moral beliefs, have free will, and have an internal structure (so that their beliefs and desires are formed largely by other beliefs and desires inherent in the soul). There is no full scientific explanation available for the evolution of the soul, and almost certainly there never will be.

ISBN 9780198249153


This addition to the dialogue between contemporary science and philosophy about God's existence and human freedom and immortality is based on the 1982-1984 Gifford Lectures at the University of Aberdeen. It is intended for students and academics working in philosophy, particularly the philosophy of religion and of mind, and theology.

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