The Biological chemistry of marine copepods


The Biological chemistry of marine copepods

edited by E.D.S. Corner and S.C.M. O'Hara

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, 1986

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Includes bibliographies and indexes


  • Chemical composition and energy content / U. Bamstedt
  • Lipids / J.R. Sargent and R.J. Henderson
  • The release of soluble end products of metabolism / R. Le Borgne
  • Digestive enzymes and their relation to nutrition / P. Mayzaud
  • Enzymatic measurements of metabolic processes concerned with respiration and ammonia excretion / P. Mayzaud
  • Copepod faecal pellets and the vertical flux of biolipids / E.D.S. Corner et al



This is the first book to deal specifically with this topic. It is essentially a collection of critical reviews outlining the present state of knowledge and indicating future developments. It is designed to meet a wide range of needs, including those of both specialists and students in marine biology, zoology, insect physiology, marine chemistry, comparative biochemistry, oceanography, fisheries biochemistry, and geochemistry.

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