Genetic aspects of plant nutrition : proceedings of the First International Symposium on Genetic Aspects of Plant Nutrition : organized by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, August 30-September 4, 1982


Genetic aspects of plant nutrition : proceedings of the First International Symposium on Genetic Aspects of Plant Nutrition : organized by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, August 30-September 4, 1982

edited by M.R. Sarić, B.C. Loughman

(Developments in plant and soil sciences, v. 8)

M. Nijhoff , Distributor for the United States and Canada, Kluwer Boston, 1983

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 23



Chapters indicated with an asterisk in the table of contents were first published in: Plant and soil, vol. 72 (1983)

Includes bibliographies



The idea of addressing the problem of the genetic specificity of mineral nutrition at an international level arose four years ago in a proposal for this topic to be included in the program of the II Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Plant Physiology (FESPP) as a separate section. The Organising Committee of the II Congress of FESPP which was held in Santiago de Compostella in 1980 arranged a special session and it was clearly successful. A special scientific meeting where the genetic aspects of plant nutrition in their widest sense could be presented and discussed comprehensively appeared to be necessary and that is how this Symposium came to be organized by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Much progress has already been achieved in this field, and bearing in mind the importance of this problem, particularly at the present moment, it is necessary for us both to acquaint ourselves with what has been achieved so far, and even more to direct attention and effort to the fundamental problems for the future.


Theoretical and practical approaches to the genetic specificity of mineral nutrition of plants.- Section I: Cytological and anatomical changes in different genotypes caused by altered nutrient supply.- Section II: Absorption, translocation and accumulation of ions in different genotypes.- Section III: The influence of mineral nutrition on physiological, and biochemical processes of genotypes.- Section IV: The influence of mineral nutrition on yield and quality of different genotypes.- Section V: Genetical investigations concerned with selection of genotypes for a more effective use of mineral elements.

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