Aggression, dominance, and individual spacing : [proceedings of the sixth annual Symposium on Communication and Affect, held at Erindale College, University of Toronto April 1-3, 1976]


Aggression, dominance, and individual spacing : [proceedings of the sixth annual Symposium on Communication and Affect, held at Erindale College, University of Toronto April 1-3, 1976]

edited by Lester Krames, Patricia Pliner, and Thomas Alloway

(Advances in the study of communication and affect, v. 4)

Plenum Press, c1978

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 33



Includes bibliographies and index



1 On Weapons, Combat, and Ecology.- On Some Strategies of Overt Aggression.- Retaliation as a Control on the Evolution of Agonistic Behavior and Organs.- Threats and Displays.- Attention Fixation and Guidance.- Weapons, Defenses, and Displays in Relation to Ecological Adaptive Strategies.- Summary.- References.- 2 Communication Mechanisms in New World Primates with Special Reference to Vocalizations in the Black Spider Monkey (Ateles fusciceps robustus).- 3 Aggression, Dispersal, and Cyclic Changes in Populations of Small Rodents.- Fence Effect.- 4 Bird Song and Territorial Behavior.- Territory.- The Role of Song.- 5 Crowding and Behavior: The Effects of High Density on Human Behavior and Emotions.- Effects on Animals.- 6 Preschool Social Organization: Agonistic, Spacing, and Attentional Behaviors.- Aggression, Conflict, and Social Dominance.- Social Dominance and Proximity.- Social Attention, Dominance, and Proximity.- Summary.- References.- 7 Communication, Affect, and Social Behavior.- Emotions as Ritual Displays.- References.- 8 The Psychology of Evil: On the Perversion of Human Potential.

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