
Passive and voice

edited by Masayoshi Shibatani

(Typological studies in language, v. 16)

J. Benjamins, 1988

  • : us
  • : us : pbk
  • : European
  • : European : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 113



A collection of 18 original papers dealing with voice-related phenomena

Includes bibliographical references



: us ISBN 9781556190186


This volume brings together 18 original papers dealing with voice-related phenomena.The languages dealt with represent both typological and geographic diversity, ranging from accusative-type languages to ergative-type and Philippine-type languages, and from Australia to Africa and Siberia. The studies presented here open up many possibilities for theorizing and offer data inviting formal treatments, but the most important contribution they make is in terms of the insights they offer for a better understanding of the fundamentals of voice phenomena.


  • 1. List of abbreviations
  • 2. Preface
  • 3. Introduction (by Shibatani, Masayoshi)
  • 4. Passive and voice (by Comrie, Bernard)
  • 5. Affectedness and control: a typology of voice systems (by Klaiman, M.H.)
  • 6. Voice in Philippine languages (by Shibatani, Masayoshi)
  • 7. Voice in Austronesian languages of Philippine type: passive, ergative or neither? (by Wolf, Charles M. De)
  • 8. Voice in Indonesian: a discourse study (by Purwo, Bambang Kaswanti)
  • 9. The passive in Slavic (by Siewierska, Anna)
  • 10. Passiveness in Hungarian: with reference to russian passive (by Dezso, Laszlo)
  • 11. The structure and typology of the Chinese passive construction (by Hashimoto, Mantaro J.)
  • 12. Passiveness in Kinyarwanda (by Kimenyi, Alexandre)
  • 13. Affected subject ('grade 7') verbs in Hausa: what are they and where do they come from? (by Jaggar, Philip J.)
  • 14. Tale of two passives in Ute (by Givon, T.)
  • 15. Formal and Functional aspects of the development from passive to ergative systems (by Estival, Dominique)
  • 16. Passives in Burushaski (by Morin, Yves-Charles)
  • 17. Mam voice (by England, Nora C.)
  • 18. Ergative, passive and antipassive in Nex Perce: a discourse perspective (by Rude, Noel)
  • 19. The antipassive in Chamorro: variations on the theme of transitivity (by Cooreman, Ann)
  • 20. Antipassives in Warrungu and other Australian languages (by Tsunoda, Tasaku)
  • 21. Antipassive in Chukchee: oblique object, object incorporation, zero object (by Kozinsky, Isaac)

: European ISBN 9789027228895


This volume brings together 18 original papers dealing with voice-related phenomena.The languages dealt with represent both typological and geographic diversity, ranging from accusative-type languages to ergative-type and Philippine-type languages, and from Australia to Africa and Siberia. The studies presented here open up many possibilities for theorizing and offer data inviting formal treatments, but the most important contribution they make is in terms of the insights they offer for a better understanding of the fundamentals of voice phenomena.


  • 1. List of abbreviations
  • 2. Preface
  • 3. Introduction (by Shibatani, Masayoshi)
  • 4. Passive and voice (by Comrie, Bernard)
  • 5. Affectedness and control: a typology of voice systems (by Klaiman, M.H.)
  • 6. Voice in Philippine languages (by Shibatani, Masayoshi)
  • 7. Voice in Austronesian languages of Philippine type: passive, ergative or neither? (by Wolf, Charles M. De)
  • 8. Voice in Indonesian: a discourse study (by Purwo, Bambang Kaswanti)
  • 9. The passive in Slavic (by Siewierska, Anna)
  • 10. Passiveness in Hungarian: with reference to russian passive (by Dezso, Laszlo)
  • 11. The structure and typology of the Chinese passive construction (by Hashimoto, Mantaro J.)
  • 12. Passiveness in Kinyarwanda (by Kimenyi, Alexandre)
  • 13. Affected subject ('grade 7') verbs in Hausa: what are they and where do they come from? (by Jaggar, Philip J.)
  • 14. Tale of two passives in Ute (by Givon, T.)
  • 15. Formal and Functional aspects of the development from passive to ergative systems (by Estival, Dominique)
  • 16. Passives in Burushaski (by Morin, Yves-Charles)
  • 17. Mam voice (by England, Nora C.)
  • 18. Ergative, passive and antipassive in Nex Perce: a discourse perspective (by Rude, Noel)
  • 19. The antipassive in Chamorro: variations on the theme of transitivity (by Cooreman, Ann)
  • 20. Antipassives in Warrungu and other Australian languages (by Tsunoda, Tasaku)
  • 21. Antipassive in Chukchee: oblique object, object incorporation, zero object (by Kozinsky, Isaac)

: European : pbk ISBN 9789027228901


This volume brings together 18 original papers dealing with voice-related phenomena.The languages dealt with represent both typological and geographic diversity, ranging from accusative-type languages to ergative-type and Philippine-type languages, and from Australia to Africa and Siberia. The studies presented here open up many possibilities for theorizing and offer data inviting formal treatments, but the most important contribution they make is in terms of the insights they offer for a better understanding of the fundamentals of voice phenomena.

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