British historical facts, 1688-1760


British historical facts, 1688-1760

Chris Cook and John Stevenson

(Macmillan historical and political facts)

Macmillan, 1988

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 33




The latest volume in this series covers the period in British history from the Glorious Revolution in 1688 to the accession of George III in 1760 and which completes the six volume "Macmillan British Historical and Political Facts" from 1485 to 1985. As with the companion volumes in this series, there are chapters on administration and ministerial biographies, religion and Parliament, defence and treaties and the expansion of the Empire. A new feature is a chronology of key political events, whilst important social and economic developments are also covered. The book should be useful for both the school and college library. Chris Cook is author of "Sources in British Political History 1900-51", "Sources in European Political History" and co-author of other volumes in this series. John Stevenson is author of "Popular Protest and Public Order", "London in the Age of Reform" and "Popular Disturbances in England, 1700-1870".


  • Monarchy
  • chronology
  • administration and political biographies
  • selected holders of the major public office
  • Parliament
  • elections
  • religion
  • treaties and diplomacy
  • the armed forces
  • the colonies
  • law and order
  • social developments
  • economy and finance
  • local government.

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