
Essays on the family and historical change

by David Levine ... [et al.] ; introduction by Leslie Page Moch ; edited by Leslie Page Moch and Gary D. Stark

(The Walter Prescott Webb memorial lectures, 17)

Published for the University of Texas at Arlington by Texas A & M University Press, c1983

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 35



Includes bibliographical references


  • Proto-Industrialization and demographic upheaval / David Levine
  • Infirmities of the body and vices of the soul / Leslie Page Moch
  • Rich and poor in a french textile city / Louise A. Tilly
  • Dating becomes the way of American youth / John Modell
  • The whipping post for wife beaters, 1876-1906 / Elizabeth Pleck



In recent years a growing number of scholars have used the family as a prism through which to view historical change. The ways in which people cope with their world have always been reflected in familial decisions. Thus, a focus on the family has allowed historians the clearest view of the dynamic relationship between the people of the past and the evolution of society and the economy. These five essays combine the economics and values of the family, two elements whose separation has been an impediment to our best understanding of its history. The ways in which people cope with their circumstances have always been reflected in familial decisions. These five essays combine the economics and values of the family.

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