The Problems of modernity : Adorno and Benjamin


The Problems of modernity : Adorno and Benjamin

edited by Andrew Benjamin

(Warwick studies in philosophy and literature)

Routledge, c1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 39



Includes bibliographical references and index



A collection of original papers tackling the problems arising from the use of the concept of modernity. Contributions cover a wide range of topics, from feminism to music. This book should be of interest to students of philosophy, critical studies and modern literary theory.


1. Adorno, Poststructuralism and the Critique of Identity Peter Dews 2. Adorno and the Metaphysics of Modernism: the Problem of a 'Post-Modern' Art Peter Osborne 3. Art against Enlightenment: Adorno's Critique of Habermas Jay Bernstein 4. Music, Language and Modernity Andrew Bowie 5. Feminism and Postmodernism Joanna Hodge 6.Benjamin's Fl neur and the Problem of Realism John Rignall 7. Tradition and Experience: Walter Benjamin's On Some Motifs in Baudelaire Andrew Benjamin 8. The Invisible Fl neuse: Women and the Literature of Modernity Janet Wolff 9. On Some Jewish Motifs in Benjamin Irving Wohlfarth.

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