The Carter implosion : Jimmy Carter and the amateur style of diplomacy


The Carter implosion : Jimmy Carter and the amateur style of diplomacy

Donald S. Spencer

Praeger, 1988

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references and index



The Carter Implosion critically examines the consequences of a U.S. President -- instead of confronting problems outside the narrow context of partisan rhetoric--adopting a self-consciously amateur style of diplomacy and leadership. In particular, Spencer focuses on the enormous gulf between the Carter administration's professed objectives and the tools it was willing to employ to achieve them. The author posits that the problem was not that President Carter proved too liberal or too conservative, but that he and his closest advisors lacked a sophisticated understanding of how nations behave. Because of his naivete, Carter's promise of inaugurating a new age of American greatness disintegrated by 1980.


1975: The Wages of Munich Some One Syllable Answers "Sort of a Beacon Light" The Retreat to Olympus The Challenge of Khomeini Nicaragua: Ends Without Means The Carter Implosion: The U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A., 1979-1980 The Malthusian Nightmare and the Paradox of Inverse Power Jimmy Carter, Zachary Taylor, and the 80th Lifetime Bibliography Index

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