The Kantian sublime : from morality to art


The Kantian sublime : from morality to art

Paul Crowther

(Oxford philosophical monographs)

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, 1989

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 36



Includes index



: pbk ISBN 9780198239314


In recent years Kant's aesthetic theory has been the subject of a widespread revival of interest amongst English-speaking philosophers. This revival, however, has not so far encompassed Kant's aesthetic of the sublime. This neglect is unfortunate because, amongst Continental philosophers, the Kantian sublime is currently receiving widespread discussion in debates about the nature of postmodernism. Paul Crowther thus breaks new ground by providing what is probably the first monograph in any language to be devoted exclusively to Kant's theory of the sublime.

ISBN 9780198248484


In recent years Kant's aesthetic theory has been the subject of a widespread revival of interest amongst English-speaking philosophers. The revival, however, has not encompassed Kant's theory of the sublime. The aim of this monograph is to concentrate exclusively on this theory. The author's arguments centre on the links which Kant made between morality and aesthetics, and seek to modify Kant's approach so as to establish the sublime as a viable aesthetic concept with a broader cultural significance.


  • Part 1 Morality and the sublime: the background to Kant's mature theory of the sublime
  • Kant's critical ethics and the sublime. Part 2 The aesthetics of the sublime: Kant's aesthetic theory and its moral significance
  • Kant's analytic of the sublime - from the preliminary sections to the mathematical mode
  • from the dynamical mode of sublimity to the deduction and an overall critical review. Part 3 Artifice, metaphysics and the sublime: a reconstruction of Kant's theory of the sublime
  • sublimity, art and beyond.

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