Development control


Development control

by John Alder

(Modern legal studies)

Sweet & Maxwell, 1989

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Previous ed.: 1979

Includes bibliographical references and index



The author's explanation of the structure, principles and procedure of planning regulation has been comprehensively revised to take full account of changes wrought by statute and delegated legislation: "Local Government Act 1980", "Local Government Planning (Amendment) Act 1981", "The Introduction of Enterprise Zones and Simplified Planning Zones", and the "Use Class Order 1987". The increased role of the courts in planning via judicial review applications is fully discussed and the author identifies and traces the Government's changing attitude towards development control and its increasing use of statutory and administrative powers to limit local discretion. The law is considered in depth and set against the context of general public law principles. The text will be of benefit not only to students and teachers of planning law, property law and administrative law, but also to practitioners and planning departments in local government.

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