Global isssues [i.e. issues] in the United Nations' framework


Global isssues [i.e. issues] in the United Nations' framework

edited by Paul Taylor and A.J.R. Groom

Macmillan, 1989


Global issues in the United Nations' framework

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 21



Includes index



In the period after World War II, a number of new problems have risen to the top of the agenda of international diplomacy. The United Nations system as originally conceived was ill-adjusted to the tackling of these problems and accordingly new arrangements were necessary. One consequence was the holding of a number of special conferences through the United Nations system some of which were special sessions of the General Assembly. Such conferences often led to the setting up of new institutional arrangements or to significant adjustments in existing ones. These conferences were for a time a focus of world attention since they frequently acted as a major stimulus to new action. This book aims to consider the significance of the conferences and the implications of the changes which they brought about for the effectiveness of the United Nations framework. Not all the consequences were favourable and in some ways they reinforced the problems of co-ordination and management in the system. In the concluding chapter, some of these difficulties are considered in a report produced in the United Nations framework. The global issues considered include racial equality, disarmament, population problems, problems of food production and distribution and problems of the environment, of human rights and of international economic reform.


  • Part 1 The context and the conferences: the origins and institutional setting of the UN special conferences, Paul Taylor
  • the pattern of the conferences, Peter Willetts. Part 2 Global issues: in search of racial equality, Gene M.Lyons
  • UNSSODS - the quest for structure and norms, A.J.R.Groom and J.F.Guilhaudis
  • population - coming to terms with people, Paul Taylor
  • the road to Rome - the production and distribution of food, Donald J.Puchala
  • the human environment - Stockholm 1971-2 and its follow up, Ingrid Detter de Lupis
  • women's rights - the decade 1975-1985, R.J.Harrision
  • UNCTAD and international economic reform, Gautam Sen and Marc Williams. Part 3 Evaluation and prescription: reflections on a changing system, A.J.R.Groom
  • the report of the Committee of Eighteen.

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