Elements of functional programming


Elements of functional programming

Chris Reade

(International computer science series)

Addison-Wesley, c1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27



Bibliography: p. 501-510

Includes index



This book gives a lucid and thorough account of the concepts and techniques used in modern functional programming languages. Standard ML is used for notation, but the examples can be easily adapted to other functional languages. The book is aimed at advanced undergraduate or graduate level students who are familiar with another high-level language and discrete mathematics. It will also be invaluable to professional programmers who wish to explore the new possibilities opened up by functional programming.


1. Functional Programming Concepts 2. Support for Abstraction 3. Programming with Lists 4. Extended Examples: Pictures and Life 5. New Types (Concrete Types) 6. Extended Example: Command Interpreter 7. Abstract Data Types and Modules 8. Lazy Evaluation 9. Eager Evaluation 10. Denotational Semantics 11. Type Checking and Type Inference 12. The Lambda Caculus and Combinators 13. Implementation Techniques 14. Extending Functional Methods

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