The road to modern Jewish politics : political tradition and political reconstruction in the Jewish community of tsarist Russia


The road to modern Jewish politics : political tradition and political reconstruction in the Jewish community of tsarist Russia

Eli Lederhendler

(Studies in Jewish history / Jehuda Reinharz, general editor)

Oxford University Press, 1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Bibliography: p. 213-233

Includes index



In this innovative study, Eli Lederhandler explores the previously ignored antecedents to the political awakening of Jewish intellectuals and their break with the traditional, religion-centred culture in Tsarist Russia. Only in the last few years have scholars begun to consider the place of politics in pre-modern Jewish society, and then only from a purely theoretical point of view. Lederhandler's work will be the first to examine in depth the actual political functioning of a Jewish community in its relations with the non-Jewish state and with its own citizens.

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