Experimentation and uncertainty analysis for engineers


Experimentation and uncertainty analysis for engineers

Hugh W. Coleman, W. Glenn Steele, Jr

(A Wiley-Interscience publication)

Wiley, c1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Bibliography: p. 199

Includes index



Errors occur in every measurement, and failure to consider the effects of these errors in the early stages of an experimental program can produce costly, even disastrous ramifications. The techniques demonstrated in this book are designed to bring greater sophistication and verifiability to engineering experiments, from the early planning and design stages, through the debugging, execution, data analysis and reporting phases. The author presents a balanced treatment of both categories of experimental uncertainty - precision errors and bias errors. This is in contrast to previous works by authors who assume that bias errors are negligible, or can be eliminated by calibration.


  • Experimentation, Errors and Uncertainty
  • Statistical Considerations in Measurement Uncertainties
  • Planning an Experiment: General Uncertainty Analysis
  • Designing an Experiment: Detailed Uncertainty Analysis
  • Additional Considerations in Experimental Design
  • Debugging and Execution of Experiments
  • Data Analysis and Reporting of Results.

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