The Arab conquest of Spain, 710-797


The Arab conquest of Spain, 710-797

Roger Collins

(A history of Spain)

B. Blackwell, 1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 26



Includes bibliograohical references and index



In 711 A.D. the Arabs invaded Spain. They were to dominate the country for the next 800 years, leaving behind them an architectural, cultural, artistic and scholarly legacy which has endured to the present day. Through Arab Spain Christendom gained knowledge of Eastern learning, science and vital agricultural techniques such as irrigation, as well as access to Eastern markets. This book is an account of the history of Spain in the eighth century. In it Roger Collins assesses the political and cultural impact on Spain of the first hundred years of Arab rule, focusing upon aspects of continuity and discontinuity with Visigoth Spain. He begins with a consideration of Visigoth power which forms the background to Arab invasion, and explains how the Arab military occupation of Spain and restoration of order was achieved. Throughout, the author is concerned to set events in Spain within the wider context of developments in France, North Africa and the Near East. Dr Collins examines the reaction of Christian Spain to Islamic rule, and describes the wars between the Arabs and the Franks, and the conflict between the Arabs and the Berbers. He also looks at Arab administration and government in Spain during the eighth century, and evaluates its political success. He concludes with a discussion of the last two decades of the century, when the Umayyad dynasty overcame problems of succession and renewed Frankish threat, to re-emerge as the indisputable masters of the Iberian peninsula.


  • A Developing Kingdom, The Visigoth Twilight?, Visigothic Hispania and its Neighbours
  • Adjusting to Conquest, Problems of Evidence and Interpretation, Military Occupation and the Restoration of Order
  • The Tenacity of a Tradition, Christian Chroniclers and Arab Rulers, Toledo and the Spanish Church
  • The Conquerors Divided, A Peaceful Decade in the Peninsula, Wars with the Franks, Arab versus Berber - Arab versus Arab
  • The Rise of an Adventurer, The Making of a Dynastic Legend, The Umayyad Coup d'etat
  • A Dynasty of Opportunities, Pelagius and the Asturian Revolt, The Kingdom's Opponents - Muslims and Christians
  • The Maturing of a Regime, The March to the Ebro, The "Arab Loevigild", Administration and Control
  • Some Winners and Some Losers, The Struggle for the Succession, The Return of the Franks, Adoptionism and the Decline of Toledo.

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  • ISBN
    • 0631159231
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; Cambridge, Mass.
  • ページ数/冊数
    xii, 239 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID