Macro techniques in diagnostic histopathology


Macro techniques in diagnostic histopathology

D.G. Lowe, I.J.M. Jeffrey

(Wolfe medical atlases)

Wolfe Medical Pub., c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5




Diagnostic histopathology is largely an apprenticeship, learned through experience and by demonstration and example. The laboratory process begins with the macroscopial description and dissection of specimens received from theatre, and it is at this stage that blocks of tissue for macroscopial examination are selected and taken. These techniques are usually learnt at an early stage in the histopathologist's career, by observing experienced members of staff and by practising under supervision. This books is intended to help this learning process by providing practical information and guidance on the description, handling and dissection of surgical specimens. It also gives advice on the structuring and contents of macroscopial reports, and examples of these are paired with colour illustrations of the relevant specimens.


  • Gastrpomtestomal tract
  • gall bladder and pancreas
  • female genital system
  • breast
  • male genital system
  • urinary tract
  • respiratory system
  • skin
  • lymphoreticular system
  • endocrine system
  • head and neck
  • osteoarticular systemand soft tissue
  • cardiovascular system
  • central nervous system and eye.

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