Noise and chaos in nonlinear dynamical systems : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Noise and Chaos in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Institute for Scientific Interchange, Villa Gualino, Turin, Italy, March 7-11, 1989


Noise and chaos in nonlinear dynamical systems : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Noise and Chaos in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Institute for Scientific Interchange, Villa Gualino, Turin, Italy, March 7-11, 1989

edited by Frank Moss, Luigi Lugiato, Wolfgang Schleich

Cambridge University Press, 1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 43



Includes bibliographical references and index



Contains papers by the invited speakers at the NATO sponsored workshop on noise and chaos in nonlinear dynamical systems held in Turin in March 1989. The conference was divided into three main parts: optics, statistical mechanics, and chaos.


Experimental characterization of Shil'nikov chaos by return time statistics in a CO laser F. T. ARECCHI Noise sustained structures and convective instabilities in amplitude and phase equations H. R. BRAND Strange attractors for cyclists P. CVITANOVIC (title to be announced) C. FABRE Testing approximate theories of coloured noise R. FOX Spatial chaos and selfsimilarity in developed turbulence S. GROSSMANN Dissipative tunnelling P. HANGGI Cavity Q.E.D.: probing the vacuum field noise in a confined space S. HAROCHE Phase-dependent interaction of squeezed radiation with atoms P. KNIGHT Quantum theory of measurement W. LAMB, Jr. Pattern formation in diffusion-limited reactions K. LINDENBERG Spatio-temporal instabilities in nonlinear optical systems: recent theoretical and experimental progress L. NARDUCCI Chaotic dynamics and Markovian coarse-graining in nonlinear dynamical systems G. NICOLIS The degenerate quantum beat laser: lasing without inversion and inversion without lasing M. O. SCULLY Suppressing quantum noise B. YURKE From chaos to symmetry G. M. ZASLAVSKY.

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