The Ten hours movement in 1831 and 1832 : six pamphlets and one broadside, 1831-1832



The Ten hours movement in 1831 and 1832 : six pamphlets and one broadside, 1831-1832

(British labour struggles : contemporary pamphlets 1727-1850)

Arno Press, 1972

Reprint ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 46



  • An enquiry into the state of the manufacturing population, by W. R. Greg [first published 1831]
  • A memoir of Robert Blincoe, by J. Brown [first published 1832]
  • A letter to Sir John Cam Hobhouse [first published 1832]
  • A letter to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Althorp, by H. Hoole [first published 1832]
  • Sadler's bill, by J. Birley [first published 1832]
  • Mr. Sadler, by V. R., probably Vernon Royle [first published 1832]
  • Peter the Pearker's letter to Michael Thomas Sadler [first published 1832]

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