William Faulkner : toward Yoknapatawpha and beyond


William Faulkner : toward Yoknapatawpha and beyond

Cleanth Brooks

(Louisiana paperbacks, L-288)

Louisiana State University Press, 1990, c1978

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 29



Reprint. Originally published: New Haven : Yale University Press, 1978

Includes bibliographical references and index



In this companion volume to William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country, Cleanth Brooks takes an in-depth look at Faulkner's early poetry and prose as well as his five non-Yoknapatawpha novels - Soldiers Pay, Mosquitoes, Pylon, The Wild Palms, and A Fable. Brooks also offers relevant clarification of some of his earlier interpretations of Faulkner that have been challenged - most notably in the case of Faulkner that have been challenged - most notable in the case of Absalom, Absalom!, which he considers Faulkner's greatest novel. recognising that the creative and imaginative center of Faulkner's art is Yoknapatawpha County, Brooks examines the merits of each of the works set beyond these boundaries and explores how these writings complement Faulkner as an artist. He sheds light on the literary sources that influenced Faulkner's early work and the technical innovations and general themes Faulkner was to develop in his later writing. The notes and appendixes with which Brooks concludes Toward Yoknapatawpha and Beyond serve only to amplify this comprehensive study.

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