A colour atlas of endocrinology


A colour atlas of endocrinology

R. Hall, D. C. Evered

Wolfe Medical, c1990

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10




The objective of this atlas is to illustrate the clinical features of endocrine disease and the many related disorders which are commonly referred to endocrine clinics. The emphasis of this book is on clinical presentation, diagnosis and the improvements which may be seen with treatment. This new edition has been very substantially revised. The text has been extensively rewritten and now provides much fuller coverage of the clinical features of endocrine and related disorders than the first edition. The number of illustrations has been increased from 500 to nearly 1000, and over 70 per cent of these are entirely new. It is intended that this volume will be of practical value for all those concerned with the management of patients with endocrine diseases. It will also provide a guide for undergraduates and postgraduates preparing for graduation and for higher qualifications in medicine.


  • Hypothalamas and pituitary
  • disorders of growth
  • thyroid
  • adrenal
  • disorders of sexual development, differentiation and reproductive function
  • disorders of the breast
  • diabetes mellitus
  • pancreatic and gastrointestinal hormones and the syndromes of multiple endocrine neoplasia
  • calcium
  • the parathyroids and metabolic bone disease.

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