Environmental injury to plants


Environmental injury to plants

edited by Frank Katterman

Academic Press, c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Papers from a one-day symposium held in June 1988 in Toronto, Ont., sponsored by the American Chemical Society

Includes bibliographical references and index



The reaction of plant tissue to stress is of critical importance to growers concerned with the production of horticultural or agronomical plants on a large scale. This book discusses several factors that contribute to plant stress, including freezing and chill injury, drought stress, heat shock, salt stress, and toxic metals. The detection of plant stress by remote sensing devices is also examined.


P.L. Steponkus, Cold Acclimation and Freezing Injury from a Perspective of the Plasma Membrane. D.V. Lynch, Chilling Injury in Plants: The Relevance of Membrane Lipids. C. Guy, Molecular Mechanisms of Cold Acclimation. K. Matsuda and A. Rayan, Anatomy: A Key Factor Regulating Plant Tissue Response to Water Stress. K. Cornish and J.W. Radin, From Metabolism to Organism: An Integrative View of Water Stress Emphasizing Abscisic Acid. M.R. Brodl, Biochemistry of Heat Shock Responses in Plants. R.A. Bressan, D.E. Nelson, N.M. Iraki, P.C. LaRosa, N.K. Singh, P.M. Hasegawa, and N.C. Carpita, Reduced Cell Expansion and Changes in Cell Walls of Plant Cells Adapted to NaCl. J.C. Cushman, E.J. DeRocher, and H.J. Bohnert, Gene Expression during Adaptation to Salt Stress. W.J. Hurkman, Use of Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis to Characterize Changes in Gene Expression Associated with Salt Stress of Barley. P.J. Jackson, P.J. Unkefer, E. Delhaize, and N.J. Robinson, Mechanisms of Trace Metal Tolerance in Plants. H.W. Gausman and J.E. Quisenberry, Spectrophotometric Detection of Plant Leaf Stress. Each chapter includes references. Index.

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