
Phospholipase A[2] : role and function in inflammation

edited by Patrick Y.-K. Wong and Edward A. Dennis

(Advances in experimental medicine and biology, v. 275)

Plenum Press, c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



"Based on the proceedings of the Symposium on Phospholipase A[2]: Pathophysiological Role of Soluble and Membrane-Bound Enzymes, held January 15, 1989, sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences, in New York, New York, and the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Symposium on the Release and Function of Phospholipase A[2] from Inflammatory Cells, held March 22, 1989, in New Orleans, Louisiana"--T.p. verso

Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume in the Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Series is dedicated to developing an overall view of the "state-of the-art" of knowledge in the field of phospholipase A2 and to exploring the role and function of this enzyme in various inflammatory diseases. This book grew out of two major symposia on phospholipase A2 held in 1989: I). "Phospholipase A2: Pathophysiological Role of Soluble and Membrane-Bound Enzymes" organized by Dr. Doug Morgan and Dr. Ann Welton of Hoffmann-La Roche and sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences (January 24, 1989). II). "Release and Function of Phospholipase A2 from Inflammatory Cells" organized by Dr. Patrick Wong and Dr. Edward Dennis at the FASEB meeting in New Orleans (March 22, 1989). Readers will find exciting advances in our understanding of the structure, function and molecular biology of phospholipase A2 research which is presented in this volume. The elucidation of gene structures of phospholipase A2 should lead to new insights and new approches in the control and regulation of the enzyme activity. This is primary to better understanding the function of phospholipase A2 and the determination of its activity in cellular and animal systems. Of great importance is the development of animal models for inflammatory disease in order to evaluate the role of phospholipase A2 and its inhibitors. We are convinced that this volume will be an excellent reference that surveys this field in which numerous investigators are currently actively at work."

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