The political theory of Swedish social democracy : through the welfare state to socialism


The political theory of Swedish social democracy : through the welfare state to socialism

Tim Tilton

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, 1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references and index



Sweden's social democratic movement is widely regarded as the most successful of its kind in the world. Its success is often attributed to its pragmatism rather than its consistent ideological commitment. In this book Tim Tilton argues that, on the contrary, Sweden's distinctive economic and social policies cannot be understood apart from the ideological convictions of several generations of political leaders and theorists. By examining the thinking of the major figures who have shaped Swedish social democracy, but whose published work is largely unavailable outside Sweden - including Hjalmar Branting, Gunnar Myrdal and Olof Palme - Professor Tilton paints a picture of the convictions and commitment of Swedish social democratic leaders. "The Political Theory of Swedish Social Democracy" provides an up-to-date survey of the party's ideological development from its origins in the 1880s until the present. The study will be of interest to all those concerned about the development of the social democratic ideals of the mixed economy and the welfare state in the UK and Europe.


  • The Swedish social democratic tradition
  • Hjalmar Branting - a political theory of social democracy
  • Ernst Wigforss - the ideological foundations of Swedish social democracy
  • Nils Karleby and Rickard Sandler - the theory of a socialized market economy
  • Gustav Moller - the welfare state and socialism
  • Per Albin Hansson - socialism as the "people's home"
  • Alva and Gunnar Myrdal - equality and efficiency
  • social democracy in the affluent society - Tage Erlander and Olof Palme
  • LO, Gosta Rehn and Rudolf Meidner - the trade unions' ideological contributions
  • towards equality? the 1960s and after
  • what is distinctive about Swedish social democratic ideology?

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