Effective interactions and operators in nuclei : proceedings of the Tucson International Topical Conference on Nuclear Physics, held at the University of Arizona, Tucson, June 2-6, 1975


Effective interactions and operators in nuclei : proceedings of the Tucson International Topical Conference on Nuclear Physics, held at the University of Arizona, Tucson, June 2-6, 1975

edited by B.R. Barrett

(Lecture notes in physics, 40)

Springer-Verlag, 1975

  • : Berlin
  • : New York

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 44



Includes bibliographical references and index



Perturbation theory of effective Hamiltonians.- Folded diagram theory, time-dependent approach of Johnson and Baranger.- A time-dependent, diagrammatic analysis of effective interactions and operators.- Determination of effective matrix elements from experimental data.- How do we decide which unperturbed basis to use? What is the role of self-consistency?.- Computation of the reaction matrix, G.- Perturbation calculation in a double-partitioned Hilbert space.- The average effective interaction.- Algebraic structure of effective interactions and operators. Convergence properties of the perturbation expansions.- Is there a universal relationship connecting all two-body effective interactions?.- Relevant aspects of statistical spectroscopy.- Infinite partial summations.- Pade approximants and the calculation of effective interactions.- Shell model diagonalizations in an expanded space.- Density dependent interactions.- Calculation of other effective operators.- Theory versus theory as a test of the effective interaction.- Summary Talk: Where do we stand at the present time regarding the microscopic theory of effective interactions and operators?.

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