Deterministic control of uncertain systems


Deterministic control of uncertain systems

edited by A.S.I. Zinober

(IEE control engineering series, 40)

Peregrinus, c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



Includes bibliographies and index



One of the main fields of study in the control of dynamical systems has been the effective control of time-varying systems with uncertain parameters and external disturbances. In contrast to stochastic adaptive controllers with identification algorithms, the deterministic control of uncertain time-varying systems has a fixed nonlinear feedback controller, which operates effectively over a specified magnitude range of a class of system variations. If the variations satisfy certain matching conditions, complete insensitivity to system uncertainties can be achieved. The two main approaches are Variables Structure and Lyapunov control. The contents of this book reflect the research output of many authors. The chapters include material of an introductory nature as well as some of the latest research results. Attention has also been focussed upon some of the main areas of application, which include electric motor drives, robotics and flight control systems. The book should prove useful to control designers, theoreticians and graduate students.


Chapter 1: An introduction to variable structure control Chapter 2: Sliding mode control with switching command devices Chapter 3: Hyperplane design and CAD of variable structure control systems Chapter 4: Subspace attractivity and invariance: Ultimate attainment of prescribed dynamic behaviour Chapter 5: Model-following control of time-varying and nonlinear avionics systems Chapter 6: Canonical formulation and general principles of variable structure controllers Chapter 7: Variable structure controllers for robots Chapter 8: Applications of output feedback in variable structure control Chapter 9: The hyperstability approach to VSCS design Chapter 10: Nonlinear continuous feedback control for robust tracking Chapter 11: Deterministic control of uncertain systems. A Lyapunov theory approach Chapter 12: Control of uncertain systems with neglected dynamics Chapter 13: Nonlinear composite control of a class of nominally linear singularly perturbed uncertain systems Chapter 14: Some extensions of variable structure control theory for the control of nonlinear systems Chapter 15: Continuous self-adaptive control using variable structure design techniques Chapter 16: State observation of nonlinear control systems via the method of Lyapunov Chapter 17: Control of infinite-dimensional plants

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