Compendium of statistics and indicators on the situation of women 1986 Recueil de statistiques et d'indicateurs sur la situation des femmes 1986


Compendium of statistics and indicators on the situation of women 1986 = Recueil de statistiques et d'indicateurs sur la situation des femmes 1986

(Social statistics and indicators, Series K ; no. 5)

United Nations, [1989], c1988


Recueil de statistiques et d'indicateurs sur la situation des femmes 1986

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



English and French

Prepared by the Statistical Office of the United Nations

"February 1989"--Colophon

"The objective of the Compendium is to make readily available in one publication a comprehensive selection of internationally compiled statistics for roughly the period 1970-1985"--P. iv

Includes bibliographical references

"United Nations publication sale no. E/F.88.XVII.6"-T.p. verso

"ST/ESA/STAT/SER.K/5"--T.p. verso

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