
Primate life history and evolution

editor, C. Jean DeRousseau

(Monographs in primatology, v. 14)

Wiley-Liss, c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Grew out of a conference sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and held in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, in Oct. 1987

Includes bibliographical references and index



This investigation of ontogency's role in primate evolution and the place of life history in evolutionary studies gives equal emphasis to the two components of life history: processes in individual organisms and the structural consequences of these processes in higher levels of organization.


Partial table of contents: EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS AND LIFE HISTORY. Natural Selection and Developmental Constraints: External Versus Internal Determinants of Order in Nature (P. Alberch). THE STRUCTURE OF LIFE HISTORY ACROSS SPECIES. Evolutionary Trends in Primate Growth and Development (E. Watts). Life Histories in Fossil Species. Early Hominid Development and Life History (T. Bromage). LIFE HISTORY PROCESSES WITHIN SPECIES. Reproduction ''on the Ground.'' Intrapopulation Variation in Life-History Parameters (D. Sade). Hard Tissue Dynamics and the Life Cycle. The Relationship Between Functional Loading and Bone Architecture (L. Lanyon). Dynamic Morphology: Growth, Life History, and Ecology in Primate Evolution (B. Shea). Index.

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