The Longman handbook of world history since 1914


The Longman handbook of world history since 1914

Chris Cook and John Stevenson

Longman, 1991

  • : us
  • : us : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Bibliography: p. 465-506

Includes index



This handbook attempts to provide a convenient reference work for both teachers and students of modern world history from 1914 to the end of the 1980s. It brings together chronological, statistical and tabular information which is not found elsewhere within the confines of a single volume. The handbook covers not only political and diplomatic events but also the broader fields of social and economic history. It includes biographies of important individuals, a glossary of commonly used historical terms and a bibliography.


  • Part 1 Political history: political events - Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Far East, Australasis, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America
  • heads of state and selected minsisters/rulers. Part 2 Wars and international affairs: international organizations, major treaties and international agreements, the League of Nations, the new nations since 1914, wars and major armed conflicts, nuclear development and arms control, strategic nuclear weapons of the superpowers, 1963-1985, the strategic nuclear arsenals of other states, 1960-1986, major acts of terrorism and assassinations. Part 3 Economic and social: estimated world population 1900-2025, populations by individual countries, population density and urban density, population of major world cities, life expectancy 1950-1985, infant mortality 1950-1985, median age of the world population 1950-1985, major population and refugee movements, output of wheat, rice, coal and lignite, steel, electricity, crude oil, major vehicles produced, world oil reserves, gross national product 1952-1985, inflation rates 1950-1980, index of consumer prices 1950-1980, share of world manufacturing exports 1913-1980, famines and major natural disasters since 1914, world health, disease and medicine, the environment and pollution since 1945.

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