How personal growth and task groups work


How personal growth and task groups work

Robert K. Conyne

(Sage human services guides, v. 55)

Sage, c1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Bibliography: p. 120



Focusing on `normal' rather than clinical populations, this book presents an account of how practitioners can develop effective groups. Two major categories of groups are explored: } task groups (such as committee groups) for solving problems and accomplishing tangible goals, and } personal groups (such as psychotherapy groups) for achieving individual change and developing interpersonal skills. The author utilizes two extensive examples or `stories' throughout to demonstrate the applicability of his conceptual framework for group facilitation.


SECTION ONE A TASK GROUP `THE COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY' The Committee on Social Responsibility Begins to Get Oriented Susan Consults about `Getting Oriented' The Committee on Social Responsibility Gets Organized Susan Consults about `Getting Organized' The Committee Produces Ideas Susan Consults about `Data Flow' The Committee Problem-Solves The Final Consultation Problem-Solving SECTION TWO A PERSONAL GROUP `THE PERSONAL GROWTH GROUP FOR PROFESSIONALS' The Personal Growth Group for Professionals Begins and Experiences Dependency Looking at Session One Dependency Real Conflict in the Group Examining the Session of Conflict Cohesion Begins to Emerge Around Bill Processing the Cohesion Stage Interdependence and Closure Occur in the Group Processing Interdependence SECTION THREE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Some Explanatory and Conceptual Supports

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