
Thalamic oscillations and signaling

Mircea Steriade, Edward G. Jones, Rodolfo R. Llinas

(The Neurosciences Institute publications series)

Wiley, c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Bibliography: p. 367-417

Includes index



This monograph is based on two symposia organized by the Neurosciences Institute at The Rockefeller University. It presents current knowledge on the thalamus and views the thalamus as a whole rather than as a collection of unrelated nuclear masses. Chapters are organized in four sections: history, morphology, electrophysiology and state-related cellular modes. Topics addressed include the structure and function of intrinsic thalamic circuitry, thalamic modulation by cortical and brain- stem projections and the feedback onto the brain stem of thalamocortical and palaeocortical transactions.


  • History - changing concepts of oscillations and activation processes
  • morphology - thalamic input-output relations
  • intrinsic circuitry in the thalamus and cortex-electrophysiology: intrinsic properties and ionic conductances of thalamic cells
  • state-related cellular modes - electrographic variables and methodology of behavioral states
  • the oscillatory mode during eeg-synchronized sleep
  • the relay mode during brain activated states
  • brain-stem control of the thalamus and states of vigilance.

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