Critical issues in foreign language instruction


Critical issues in foreign language instruction

edited by Ellen S. Silber

(Garland reference library of social science, v. 459)(Garland reference library of social science, Source books on education ; vol. 22)

Garland, 1991

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Includes bibliographical references



First Published in 1991. This is Volume 22 of the Source Books on Education series. Politically speaking the study of foreign languages and cultures helps maintain a strong competitive position in an increasingly global marketplace. It was hard to imagine in 1957 that the launching of a Soviet rocket would push the United States into its greatest investment ever in foreign language education. As American policy-makers attempted to play catch-up with our brothers and sisters behind the iron curtain, this country infused federal dollars into extensive foreign language teacher training and the creation of new foreign language educational programs. As suddenly as federal support was given, however, so was it taken away; and its withdrawal was responsible for one of the darkest periods in the history of foreign language education in America. Drawing on the expertise of a number of the nation's most experienced and creative foreign language educators, this volume, edited by Ellen S. Silber, addresses some of the crucial problems we face in foreign language education today.


  • Introduction Re-visioning Education in Foreign Languages, Ellen S. Silber
  • Chapter 1 Issues in Foreign Language Program Articulation, Heidi Byrnes
  • Chapter 2 Psychological Processes in Foreign and Second Language Learning, Gilbert A. Jarvis
  • Chapter 3 On Paradoxes and Paradigms in Language Education Research, Elizabeth B. Bernhardt, Diane Tedick
  • Chapter 4 Elementary School Foreign Languages: What Research Can and Cannot Tell Us, Myriam Met
  • Chapter 5 Dear Wilga, Dear Alice, Dear Tracy, Dear Earl: Four Letters on Methodology and Technology, James P. Pusack, Sue K. Otto
  • Chapter 6 Material Concerns: Textbooks and Teachers, L. Kathy Heilenman
  • Chapter 7 Basic Intercultural Education Needs Breadth and Depth: The Role of a Second Culture, Howard Lee Nostrand
  • Chapter 8 Expanding the Vision of Foreign Language Education: Enter the Less Commonly Taught Languages, A. Ronald Walton
  • Chapter 9 The Upper-Division Curriculum in Foreign Languages and Literatures: Obstacles to the Realization of Promise, David P. Benseler
  • Chapter 10 Resetting the Margins: The Outsider in French Literature and Culture, Elissa Gelfand
  • Chapter 11 Training and Supervision in Foreign Languages: A Diachronic Perspective, Gerard L. Ervin
  • Chapter 12 Beyond Language Proficiency: The Construct of Knowledge, JoAnn Hammadou
  • Chapter 13 Foreign Language Faculty Renewal: A Case Study, Eileen Burchell, Ellen S. Silber

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